Here is a link to my instructions.
I learnt that instructions need to be clear and make sense, be specific, have bossy verbs, readable font \ handwriting, have a title, have steps, list of what you need. They also need capital letters and full stops.
Reflection on PBL:
For our Jolly Jar my group made origami dogs and cats.
I contributed to my group by buying some of the origami paper. I also contributed by sharing my ideas with my group.
Our Jolly Jar was creative because it was nice and simple for kids that are younger than me to use.
What I learned about working with others was it is hard to work with other people I did not know that well. It was good in the end working with new people because we successfully sold all our jars.
How did we build community through our actions? Our Jolly jars Contributed to the fair because we sold them and we raised money for the bike track.
Hi Eilishe I'm sorry i didn't come I like those orami ideas😞😊👍👍😩